August: The Dish provides a monthly update to participating sites enrolling in the MQii Learning Collaborative.
Learning Collaborative
August 27, 2019
The Dish
The Dish provides a monthly update to participating sites enrolled in the MQii Learning Collaborative.
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New MQii-Focused Publication About Malnutrition Quality Improvement Projects and eCQM Adoption
On August 22, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics released the MQii-focused Supplement of the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (JAND), titled “Malnutrition Quality Improvement Initiative Yields Value for Interdisciplinary Patient Care and Clinical Nutrition Practice.” Thanks to many of you who submitted abstracts in April. The online version is now available and is open access, while the print version should arrive to Academy members shortly.
The Supplement features 8 articles by MQii Learning Collaborative partners or participating sites spanning topics such as the importance of clinical leadership and the process undertaken to develop and test the malnutrition electronic clinical quality measures (eCQMs). The Supplement also includes 24 MQii-focused abstracts. Accepted abstracts were based on experiences using the malnutrition electronic eCQMs and/or the MQii Toolkit and other quality improvement resources and were relevant to malnutrition in the adult acute care population. These include:
- 12 abstracts about data integration and process outcomes results (e.g., implementing a transitions of care program and improving malnutrition documentation),
- 5 about multidisciplinary team engagement (e.g., soliciting leadership buy-in and championing the effort in your facility), and
- 7 about research outcomes results (e.g., improving accuracy of malnutrition diagnosis and decreasing hospital costs)
Thank you again for your contributions! We are excited to highlight your successes and spread your learnings more broadly with facilities looking to undertake similar projects around the country. We will be featuring several of the article and abstract authors in our webinars this fall (see schedule below and in our new calendar) and hope you will be able to join us.
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Nutrition Policy Update
Malnutrition Reclassification Codes Postponed
In May, we shared an announcement from the Academy that offered all of you an opportunity to submit comments to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) regarding proposed changes to the malnutrition diagnostic codes E43 (unspecified severe protein-calorie malnutrition) and E44.0 (moderate protein-calorie malnutrition) as part of the Hospital Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS). Because the Academy disagreed with the proposed changes, this letter urged CMS to delay finalization of changes to these ICD-10 diagnostic codes to allow for further analysis. In the final IPPS rule that CMS released earlier in the month, the proposed changes to these codes were postponed. Thank you for your contributions as experts on this matter.
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MQii Learning Collaborative Updates
MQii Learning Collaborative Calendar
In an effort to better streamline information on MQii Learning Collaborative events, conferences, and publication deadlines, we now feature a MQii Learning Collaborative Calendar on the MQii Learning Collaborative portal (username: MQii; password: MQiiLC2018!). After logging in, you will see this calendar at the top of your page:

Through this new feature, you will be able to register for upcoming events within MQii. The calendar will include upcoming abstract submission deadlines for conferences of interest in the near future, as well. We hope that you are able to check in regularly for updates and that you will find this a useful tool as you seek to learn about malnutrition quality improvement and share your projects more broadly.
If you know of any relevant events or conferences related to malnutrition care that would be of interest to this group and you do not see it listed in our calendar, please send us an email at [email protected].
NFPE “Tip of the Month”
Did you know that 4 out of the 6 adult malnutrition clinical characteristics are part of a nutrition focused physical exam (NFPE)? This makes NFPE a vital skill for RDNs to obtain to aid in conducting a complete nutrition assessment and aligns with the 4 electronic clinical quality measures (eCQMs) to support the identification of malnutrition.
To provide RDNs with a resource to aid in performing NFPE and identifying malnutrition, the Academy’s NFPE Pocket Guide is available at
Learning Collaborative Participant Resources
Disseminating Your Results
Many of you have requested additional information on how to best showcase your work within your hospitals/health systems or externally. Please see below for links to some helpful resources on this topic. As always, do not hesitate to reach out to your MQii Point of Contact for additional information.
- MQii 2019 Learning Collaborative Expert Webinar Series: Participant Dissemination Workshops
- February 13, 2019, featuring Catherine D'Andrea, RDN, LDN, Manager, Quality Initiatives, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics; Mujahed Khan, MBA, RDN, LDN, Senior Manager, Quality Improvement, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics; and Sherri Jones, MS, MBA, RDN, LDN, SSGB, FND, Senior Improvement Specialist, UPMC Presbyterian Shadyside
- March 1, 2019, featuring Catherine D'Andrea, RDN, LDN, Manager, Quality Initiatives, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics; Amanda Goldman, MS, RD, LD, FAND, Quality & Wellness Director for Catholic Health Initiatives Food & Nutrition Services; and Sharon Siegel, RD, LD, System Clinical Nutrition Manager for KentuckyOne Health
- Tips for Abstract Writing and Submissions: Guidance for effective abstract submissions that summarize and highlight your work
- Section of the MQii Toolkit:
- “Keep It Going”: Importance of tracking progress over time and suggested avenues to share your work
What's Around the Corner?
Expert Webinar: Extending the Reach of Hospital-Based Nutrition: Improving Patient Recovery Beyond the Acute Care Setting | Thursday, September 5 at 1:00 PM ET
Join us on Thursday, September 5 at 1:00 PM ET for the MQii Expert Webinar, “Extending the Reach of Hospital-Based Nutrition: Improving Patient Recovery Beyond the Acute Care Setting.” During this live webinar, participants will learn about the importance of malnutrition care planning across the continuum of care. The webinar will highlight the background, methodology, and summary of findings from the MQii Learning Lab, reiterating the importance of transitional care and discharge planning; the experience of one facility’s malnutrition quality improvement project, focused on the transition from acute care setting to the home; and best practices for planning and implementing a transitions of care program within the ambulatory setting.
The webinar will feature Gerry Howick, RD, Clinical Nutrition Supervisor at Legacy Health; Jessica Settles, RD, LD at Flowers Hospital; and Wendy Everett, ScD, Senior Advisor at Avalere Health.
Attendees will be eligible to receive one-hour CPEU credit for their participation.
Please register for the webinar in advance here.
Expert Webinar: Elevating the Value of Malnutrition Care Within Your Facility | Thursday, November 7 at 1:00 PM ET
Join us on Thursday, November 7 at 1:00 PM ET for the MQii Expert Webinar, “Elevating the Value of Malnutrition Care Within Your Facility.” During this live webinar, participants will learn about best practices for communicating the business case for malnutrition quality improvement activities to hospital leadership, ways to document and quantify malnutrition in your facility to share with leadership, and opportunities to increase visibility of patients’ nutritional needs to leaders at your facility.
The webinar will feature Christy McFadden, MS, RDN, Quality Improvement Specialist at Spectrum Health and Nathan Munguia, RD, LDN, CNSC, Clinical Nutrition Manager at AMITA Health Holy Family and Resurrection Medical Centers.
Attendees will be eligible to receive one-hour CPEU credit for their participation.
Please register for the webinar in advance here.
Expert Webinar: Importance of Evaluating and Implementing Malnutrition Screening Tools | Tuesday, December 10 at 12:00 PM ET
Join us on Tuesday, December 10 at 12:00 PM ET for the MQii Expert Webinar, “Importance of Evaluating and Implementing Malnutrition Screening Tools.” During this live webinar, participants will learn about how best to implement validated malnutrition screening tools and evaluate them in a clinical setting, increase efficiency of an RDN’s assessment following screening, and best identify and communicate about malnutrition with other clinicians.
The webinar will feature Rebecca Edwards, RD, Senior Clinical Dietitian at Maine Medical Center and Jennifer Doley, MBA, RD, CNSC, FAND, Regional Clinical Nutrition Manager and Dietetic Internship Director at Carondelet St. Mary's Hospital.
Attendees will be eligible to receive one-hour CPEU credit for their participation.
Please register for the webinar in advance here.
For all of our expert webinars, we encourage you to send any questions you have for the speakers in advance of the webinar to [email protected]. We hope you can join us!
In case you missed it!
If you missed previous MQii Learning Collaborative expert webinars (such as our recent webinar on nutrition care in surgical protocols), you can access webinar recordings and slides on the MQii Member Portal. You will also find other member-only content, including educational webinars and archived “Dish” newsletters, on this site. As a reminder, the login information is: Username: MQii Password: MQiiLC2018!
Consider opportunities to share your MQii project and findings!
American Society on Aging Now Accepting Poster Session Proposals for National Conference
The American Society on Aging (ASA) will hold its annual Aging in America Conference in Atlanta, GA, from March 24–27, 2020. The theme for the 2020 conference is “Aging 2020: Examining the Needs of Today’s Diverse Older Adults.” Sessions will examine the social constructs of ageism, racism, sexism and heterosexism, and highlight aspects of aging that have seen great improvement through the lenses of positive and creative aging. Among 12 total tracks, “Health, Wellness, and Care Transitions” may be of particular interest to Learning Collaborative sites. While the call for presentation proposals has now closed, ASA is still accepting poster session proposals, due ASAP.
Institute for Healthcare Improvement Now Accepting Storyboard Proposals for National Forum
The Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) hosts an annual National Forum on Quality Improvement in Health Care that brings together health care visionaries, improvement professionals, world leaders, and industry newcomers to share methodologies and gain practical knowledge on best practices to improve healthcare quality. This year’s forum will take place from December 8–11, 2019, in Orlando, FL. IHI is now accepting storyboards covering such topics as building improvement capability and person-centered care through September 27, 2019. Please visit the IHI website for more information.
ASPEN Now Accepting Abstract Submissions for Annual Conference
The American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ASPEN) will host its annual Nutrition Science and Practice Conference in Tampa, FL, from March 28–31, 2020. This conference is open to non-ASPEN members and provides a venue for sharing groundbreaking research, complex patient cases, and best practices with researchers and interdisciplinary clinical nutrition professionals. ASPEN is currently accepting oral or poster abstract submissions through October 2, 2019 at 11:59 PM ET.
Next Steps
- Attend the upcoming MQii expert webinar and September Coffee Breaks if you have questions regarding your malnutrition quality improvement efforts
- Share your progress with your MQii Point of Contact – we want to hear about any developments you’ve experienced as well as any challenges you might be encountering!
- Fill out your Project Charter once you identify plans for your malnutrition quality improvement project(s)
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