August 29, 2018
Dish provides a monthly update to
participating sites enrolling in the MQii Learning
Advancing Patient-Centered Malnutrition Care
opportunities to engage in malnutrition-focused
transitions of care!
In July, the Academy
of Nutrition and Dietetics, Defeat Malnutrition
Today Coalition, and Avalere Health released the
“Advancing Patient-Centered
Malnutrition Care Transitions” Dialogue
Proceedings. The
(and associated infographic)
are the output of a one-day, multi-stakeholder
convening to discuss challenges to effective
malnutrition care as patients transition across
settings, and identify real-world solutions to
better integrate nutrition risk identification and
care into existing care transition pathways and
accountable care models. The Dialogue
event was the result of recognition that
patients frequently are at risk for and/or
develop negative health outcomes related
to malnutrition, including increased risk of
chronic disease, frailty, falls, and loss of
independence, due to insufficient malnutrition
recognition and care across settings.

The Dialogue took place on
March 14, 2018 in Washington, DC. Participants
included representatives of hospitals and health
systems, professional societies, community-based
providers, community support organizations, patient
advocacy groups, payers, and others. The results of
their discussion are the basis for these
proceedings, which outline key considerations and
recommendations for clinicians/community and social
service providers, patients/caregivers, payers, and
policymakers to advance patient-centered
malnutrition care transitions.
Many MQii Learning
Collaborative sites are already doing work to
improve malnutrition-focused discharge planning and
support the needs of patients who are malnourished
or at-risk of malnutrition as they transition across
care settings. You may find the proceedings useful
as you evaluate opportunities to improve
malnutrition care transitions to/from your facility
(Appendix 6, “Action Steps for Operationalizing Key
Recommendations,” should be particularly helpful as
you consider specific steps to advance these
If you are not already
engaged in discharge planning and care transition
activities through the MQii Learning Collaborative,
but would like to get involved, please reach out to
your MQii
Point of Contact to express your interest
and share any information on the activities you are
currently undertaking to support transitions of
Learning Collaborative News
MQii in
the United Kingdom
The National Health
Service (NHS) in the UK recently launched an effort
to support improved malnutrition-focused care in
various NHS trusts and has chosen to use MQii tools
and resources to do so. In September, the NHS will
share a select set of MQii tools,
modified to fit the British healthcare
system, to a number of NHS hospitals for use and
evaluation. We are excited to see how these tools
will be adopted in the UK. Stay tuned for updates on
their progress!
Academy of Nutrition
and Dietetics Focuses on Malnutrition in
Throughout the month
of September, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
is highlighting malnutrition through articles,
research updates, and webinars. The
“September Spotlight on
Malnutrition” aims to
raise awareness and share best practices about how
to manage malnutrition. For example, this month’s
issue of the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition
and Dietetics features a number of articles
on malnutrition and highlights the work of the MQii:
In addition, the Academy
will be hosting a series of malnutrition-focused
educational webinars every Wednesday through
the Academy’s Lifelong Learning Center. The
Spotlight will culminate in Malnutrition Awareness
Week (MAW), an effort supported by the Academy and
led by the American Society for Parenteral and
Enteral Nutrition from September 24-28 to showcase
the issue of malnutrition.
MQii Learning Collaborative
members are encouraged to review the articles
highlighted above as well as participate in
educational webinars and social media opportunities
throughout the month of September to learn more
about evidence-based malnutrition care and
contribute your experience from your MQii
Tier 1
Sites Seeking Support for Performance Data
Extraction &
At this point in the
year, we have supported numerous sites with EHR data
extraction and reporting for performance feedback.
MQii participation has helped participants both
quantify the magnitude of their existing gaps in
care as well as monitor and evaluate the success of
their quality improvement efforts to close those
If you have enrolled
as a Tier 1 site but have not begun the process of
data extraction and reporting, the MQii Team is
available to support you! Here are the steps we
recommend to get you started:
- Gain IRB Approval / Exemption:
If you are not allowed to
move forward without IRB approval or exemption,
we encourage you to begin the process of
submitting for IRB review.
- You can use our MQii
Protocol to
complete the application; it is recommended
that you apply for exemption or expedited
review since no PHI will be
- Identify IT Team Liaison:
If you do not already have
an established relationship, work with your
leadership to identify the right contact on your
IT team to support you with generating the data
- Share the Transmission Template:
Share the MQii
eCQM Data Transmission
with your established IT contact, this resource
will provide them with everything they need to
build the extract report.
- Setup a Review Call with Your IT
Contact & The MQii Team:
We encourage you to invite
our team to an initial review meeting with your
IT contact, this has significantly expedited the
extraction process for participants.
Remember, we are
available to provide your team with technical
support and answer any questions. We have completed
this process with several dozen hospitals and have
experience with a number of EHR platforms. The MQii
Team is ready to support your data extraction and
analysis efforts!
Around the Corner?
Expert Webinar: Nutrition-Focused Physical
Exam Mini-Session | September 17 at 12 PM
Join us on Monday,
September 17th at 12 PM ET for the MQii
Expert Webinar, “Nutrition-Focused Physical
Exam Mini-Session.” Participants will
have the opportunity to hear from a certified
Nutrition-Focused Physical Exam (NFPE) trainer
regarding best practices for performing an accurate
and effective assessment. Attendees will also have
the opportunity to ask questions and troubleshoot
any NFPE challenges they may be encountering. The
session will:
- Highlight the
NFPE as a tool for assessing patients for
- Provide training
to familiarize attendees with process and
approach for the NFPE; and
- Address questions
regarding the NFPE by a certified
After this 60-minute
webinar, participants will be familiar with the NFPE
and will be able to begin assessing their NFPE
skills to identify malnutrition among patients.
Attendees will be eligible to receive one hour CPEU
credit for their participation.
The webinar will
feature Beth Mordarski, RDN, LD, NFPE Program
Manager at the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
and certified NFPE Workshop Trainer. Beth has over
17 years of clinical experience, which assisted Beth
in the development of the Academy’s Nutrition
Focused Physical Exam Hands-on Training Workshop and
NFPE Pocket Guide. She finds it rewarding to be
able to pass on the NFPE skills to fellow dietitians
across the United States and the world. Beth enjoys
being a dietetic intern preceptor for graduate
students and actively participates in research
related to NFPE and
Lori Granich,
Director, Lifelong Learning and Engagement at the
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, will provide a
brief introduction to the session.
Please register for
the webinar in
advance here.
We encourage you to send any questions you have for the
speakers in advance of the webinar to [email protected].We
hope you can join us!
Note: In addition to
the NFPE Mini-Session, if you would like more
in-person education on the NFPE, the Academy offers
an interactive, hands-on training workshop to
provide registered dietitian nutritionists with
skills and knowledge to perform nutrition-focused
physical exam skills in the workplace and aid in the
nutrition diagnosis of malnutrition. An adult
NFPE Workshop will be held on October 8, 2018
in Zachary, LA and a Pre-FNCE Workshop
will be held on October 20, 2018 in Alexandria,
VA. You can find additional information on
these trainings in the attached
flyer, or at www.eatrightpro.org/nfpe.
case you missed it: If you
missed previous MQii Learning Collaborative expert
webinars, you can access webinar recordings and
slides on the MQii Member
Portal. You
will also find other member-only content, including
educational webinars and archived “Dish”
newsletters, on this site. As a reminder, the login
information is as follows: Username:
MQii Password:

Every year, the
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics organizes the
Food and Nutrition Conference
and Expo
(FNCE) for registered
dietitian nutritionists and other food and nutrition
experts. FNCE
2018 will be held in
Washington, D.C. from October 20-23. We are excited
to share that we will be holding a MQii Learning
Collaborative participant reception on the evening
of Sunday, October 21 (additional details will be
In addition to the MQii
Reception, you may wish to attend the MQii session,
Leading Innovation: Using Date for Quality
Improvement and Patient-Focused Transitions of
Care” on October
22 from 1:30-3:00 PM ET. The session will feature a
number of your MQii Learning Collaborative
colleagues, who will share how registered dietitian
nutritionists (RDNs) are using data to show the
value of nutrition care, provide attendees with
actionable steps to partner with information
technology colleagues to collect malnutrition
quality improvement data, and offer RDNs examples of
opportunities to incorporate nutrition strategies
throughout transitions of care for patients. Other
sessions in the Malnutrition track that you may be
interested in include:
- The Future of
Pediatric Malnutrition: Establishing Prevalence,
Ensuring Prevention
- The Socioeconomics
of Malnutrition: Food Insecurity Screening and
Additional sessions
focusing on malnutrition
will also be featured.
As a member of the MQii
Learning Collaborative, you are entitled to a
participant-only discounted rate to attend FNCE 2018.
You should have received an email reflecting this
promotional rate and the registration code earlier this
month; if you did not receive it, please check your
“Spam” and “Clutter” folders in your mailbox. If you
still are unable to locate it, reach out to your MQii
Point of Contact at [email protected].
To register and for additional information on FNCE,
please visit www.eatrightFNCE.org.
Please let us know if you
are planning to attend FNCE 2018 so we can connect
in-person and provide you with additional details on
MQii-focused events. Please also let us know if you
will be presenting any malnutrition-focused work at
FNCE (poster, panel session, or otherwise) so we can
share it with your MQii Learning Collaborative
The IHI is now accepting
storyboards to be considered for presentation at their
2018 Annual Forum in Orlando, FL on December 9-12. The
storyboards provide an opportunity to highlight your
malnutrition quality improvement project, reflect on any
key insights or learnings from your efforts, and share
any findings of your journey to date. MQii Learning
Collaborative participants are encouraged to develop
and submit a storyboard if they are interested
in potentially presenting at the IHI Annual Forum. If
you plan to submit, please let us know by sending a
brief description of your poster to your MQii
Point of Contact. Submissions are due to IHI by
September 28, 2018 at 11:59 PM ET.
ASPEN is currently accepting
abstracts for the ASPEN 2019 Nutrition Science &
Practice Conference in Phoenix, AZ on March 23-26, 2019.
If you were unable to submit a poster for the 2019 Food
and Nutrition Conference and Expo (FNCE), consider
submitting an abstract highlighting your malnutrition
quality improvement work for ASPEN 2019. In your
abstract, you are encouraged to share your innovative
malnutrition quality improvement work, results, and
practice implications. If you plan to
submit, please let us know by sending a brief
description of your poster to your MQii
Point of Contact. Submissions are due to ASPEN
by October 2, 2018 at 11:59 PM ET (submit by September
18, 2018 to receive the “early bird” submission fee of
- Check out the MQii Member
- Log in information— Username: MQii Password: MQiiLC2018!
- Attend an upcoming Welcome Webinar (if you have not
attended one already) and/or Coffee Break
- Share your progress with your MQii
Point of Contact – we want to hear
about any developments you’ve experienced, as
well as any challenges you might be
- Begin to fill out your Project
Charter as
you start to identify plans for your
malnutrition quality improvement
- Watch the
educational videos and explore the
resources in the MQii