Learning Collaborative

June 29, 2018

The Dish

The Dish provides a monthly update to participating sites enrolling in the MQii Learning Collaborative.

Spotlight: New Evidence in Malnutrition Quality Improvement

New JAND Publication: "Early Implementation of Malnutrition Clinical Quality Metrics to Identify Institutional Performance Improvement Needs"

In a recent analysis published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (JAND) titled “Early Implementation of Malnutrition Clinical Quality Metrics to Identify Institutional Performance Improvement Needs,” dietitians from Morrison Healthcare and BayCare St. Joseph’s Hospital found that early implementation of the MQii eCQMs can help hospitals identify and correct barriers limiting accurate, timely, and equitable diagnosis and treatment of malnutrition. The article provides a deep-dive into the MQii tools and resources and will help you become more familiar with the MQii Toolkit. The outlined best practices and steps for implementing a quality initiative include:

  • Planning your initiative through assessing readiness, building internal support, and building initiative teams;
  • Determining a malnutrition quality improvement area of focus by understanding existing malnutrition workflow, and identifying and selecting clinical improvement(s) to implement;
  • Planning for data collection through identifying quality indicators or other metrics to track improvement, determining a data capture mechanism, and reviewing the suggested MQii eCQMs and quality indicators;
  • Beginning implementation by training your care team, collecting, interpreting, and analyzing the data, and spreading change;
  • And keeping initiative momentum going by continuing to track progress over time and disseminating findings.

The authors of the article are Jennifer, Doley, MBA, RD, CNSC, FAND, regional clinical nutrition manager and dietetic internship director, Morrison Healthcare, Tucson, AZ; Wendy Phillips, MS, RD, CNSC, CLE, FAND, division director of clinical nutrition, Morrison Healthcare, St George, UT; Jennifer Talaber, MS, RD, LD/N, administrative registered dietitian/adult team lead, BayCare St. Joseph’s Hospital, Tampa, FL; and Gisele Leger-LeBlanc, MS, RDN, LDN, CNSC, FAND, national director, clinical nutrition, Morrison Healthcare, Hopkinton, MA.

Advocate Health’s MQii QI Results Show Malnutrition Could Have Impact on Patients' Surgical Outcomes

Advocate Health, a 2017 Learning Collaborative Partner, recently published a real-world evidence study titled, “Nutrition-Focused Quality Improvement Program Results in Significant Readmission and Length of Stay Reductions for Malnourished Surgical Patients,” in the Journal of Parental and Enteral Nutrition, that shows a lack of nutrition can have major health implications on patients’ surgical outcomes. Advocate Health implemented their malnutrition quality improvement initiative at four of its Chicago area hospitals and found that more than 300 malnourished surgical patients who received nutrition care, had an average length of stay of 2.7 days and a reduced hospital readmission rates by almost 50 percent after 30 days of being discharged.

Recommendation: We recommend you share these articles with your leadership team as examples of the national reach and visibility of the MQii Learning Collaborative. If you are interested in pursuing similar publication or other dissemination opportunities to showcase your quality initiative, we encourage you to reach out to us at malnutritionquality@avalere.com.

MQii Learning Collaborative News

Publications & Presentations

MQii at the AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting

On June 26th, MQii’s Eleanor Fitall, MPH, and Wendy Everett, ScD, presented a poster at Academy Health’s 2018 Annual Research Meeting, titled “Advancing Quality Improvement Among Hospitalized Older Adults: Lessons from the Malnutrition Quality Improvement Initiative.” 

Using qualitative data gathered through a series of interviews with 2017 MQii Learning Collaborative participants, the poster evaluates some of the facilitators and barriers to Learning Collaborative sites’ implementation of a malnutrition quality improvement project and the collection of data to support calculation of the MQii quality measures. The poster highlights key aspects that made hospitals successful in their quality improvement projects and reflects on the role a culture of quality plays in advancing malnutrition quality of care.

You can view the poster here


In Case You Missed It | Expert Webinar: The Impact and Burden of Malnutrition in the Hospital Setting

In June we kicked-off the 2018 Expert Webinar Series. Featured speakers Evelyn C. Granieri, MD, and Kelly A. Tappenden, Ph.D., R.D., FASPEN spoke on the “Burden and Impact of Malnutrition in the Hospital.” If you missed the webinar, you can view the recordingaccess the slides, and review the follow-up instructions on how to conduct a mini-cog test

What’s Around the Corner?

Upcoming Events

Coffee Breaks | July 11 & July 12

Join us for one of our upcoming July Coffee Breaks to hear best practices and tips for getting started on your quality improvement initiative from other Learning Collaborative participants and the MQii team. We encourage you to come with questions and areas where you need support.

Be sure to sign up for one of the Coffee Break times: July 11 at 10AM ET and July 12 at 4PM ET

Save the Date

Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo 2018

Every year the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics organizes the Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo for registered dietitian nutritionists and other food and nutrition experts. FNCE 2018 will be held in Washington, D.C. from October 20-23. Be sure to save the date! MQii efforts will be highlighted at various events and sessions throughout the conference. Please let us know if you are planning to attend FNCE 2018 so we can connect in-person and invite you to MQii-focused events.

Next Steps

  1. Attend a Coffee Break and Welcome Webinar if you would like assistance from the MQii team with troubleshooting any issues with your quality improvement initiative, or want to hear questions other Learning Collaborative participants have
  2. Begin to fill out your Project Charter as you to start to identify plans for your malnutrition quality improvement project(s)
  3. Be on the lookout for an invitation to our next expert webinar, "Performing Malnutrition Screenings"